
The use of gems and precious gemstones for healing is a very ancient one and according to one myth the goddess Parvati asked her consort, Lord Shiva to help mankind with some special healing and he is supposed to have revealed the cure for various illnesses through the science of Ratna Rasayna and Damar Tantra. This simple science involves Gems to counteract and cure the effect of the negative planetary influences on the human body. The master glands in the brain are the first to be effected due to the imbalance of the planets, which in turn affect the plexus or petals in the front part of the forehead. This reflects in the blockage of the concerned colour or energy absorption in the spine and Chakras (Energy Centres) from which all the organs draw energy and nourishment for their proper balance and functioning. As shown in the chart, if the planet Moon is weak, it will affect the Hypothalamus in the brain, which in turn affects the six Orange coloured petals in the front part of the head, then filters down to the appropriate centre in the spine effecting the Swadhisthan Chakra and consequently the related organs to that Chakra i.e.; Intestines, Kidneys, Bladder, Sexual Organs are influenced.