
Legend has it that Lord Shiva created ratna (gems) as a cure for various illnesses on Parvati's insistence. He is believed to have said: "I have created these ratna not only for ornamental use but also to benefit mankind by healing the body.

You cannot visit Jaipur, the gem city of the world, without paying a visit to a very unique experience involving gems. 

You have to meet the gem of Jaipur to have your Jewel dowsed for your salvation in this lifetime. This is more than a question of beautification or glamour but a very deep expertise in the art of gem therapy and healing as evolved by Dr. M.S. Chauhan. His treatment of disease is not only effective but is fascinating as it is based on the use of precious gemstones and gems together with the art of dowsing, and he is mentioned in the traveller's guide book - Lonely Planet. A visit to this doctor is both an interesting and esoteric experience.

The use of gems and precious gemstones for healing is a very ancient one and according to one myth the goddess Parvati asked her consort, Lord Shiva to help mankind with some special healing and he is supposed to have revealed the cure for various illnesses through the science of Ratna Rasayna and Damar Tantra. This simple science involves Gems to counteract and cure the effect of the negative planetary influences on the human body. The master glands in the brain are the first to be effected due to the imbalance of the planets, which in turn affect the plexus or petals in the front part of the forehead. This reflects in the blockage of the concerned colour or energy absorption in the spine and Chakras (Energy Centres) from which all the organs draw energy and nourishment for their proper balance and functioning. As shown in the chart, if the planet Moon is weak, it will affect the Hypothalamus in the brain, which in turn affects the six Orange coloured petals in the front part of the head, then filters down to the appropriate centre in the spine effecting the Swadhisthan Chakra and consequently the related organs to that Chakra i.e.; Intestines, Kidneys, Bladder, Sexual Organs are influenced.

According to the Kurma Purana, all creation is made of rays, radiations and vibrations. Whether it is the substratum of our Universe, which is made up chiefly of nine principle rays or the nine colours of the rainbow (yellow, orange, red, violet, indigo, blue, ultra-violet, infra-red and green), which form the white light of our solar system; the nine yogic Chakras (Muladhar, Swadhisthan, Manipur, Anahata, Vissudhi, Ajna, Soma, Kameshwari and Sahasrar); the nine nuclei in the brain (Amygdala, Hypothalamus, Thalamus, Putamen, Substancia Nigra, Globus Pallidus, Nucleus Caudatus head, Nucleus Caudatus tail, and Sub Thalamus), which are controlled by the nine planets, the seven notes of music (Sa, Re, Ga. Ma, Pa, Dha, Ni, Sa), the seven systems of Ayurveda (Chyle, Blood, Flesh, Fat, Bone, Marrow, Sperm) , the five panchbhutas ( Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether), the five primeval Vayus (Prana, Apana, Samana, Udana and Vyana), or the five senses (Smell, Taste, Touch, Sight and Hearing), they all resonate with the nine cosmic colours with their ultra- and infra- frequencies. So we see that everything in the cosmos is inter-linked and inter-related and it is these universal rays that do the work of creation, maintenance and destruction.

In the human body each and every cell, tissue and organ is also the manifestation of the nine Cosmic rays. These nine principle rays also form the substratum of our nine planets. Mars is the condensed form of the colour yellow, Moon of orange, Sun of red, Saturn of violet, Venus of indigo, Jupiter of blue, Rahu of ultra-violet, Ketu of infra-red and Mercury of the colour green. These rays have healing qualities.The state of equilibrium of these rays in the cells keeps the body healthy. These rays are constantly adjusting themselves according to internal and external conditions. Illness occurs when the interaction between outward and inward forces upsets the equilibrium of the rays in the cells and tissues and this makes the rays weak and out of order. These weakened rays can be strengthened by means of colour radiation from gems, as they are nature's storehouses of cosmic colours.


Colours affect the totality of our being because the colour of a ray is a form of sustenance that is necessary for the health of cells and tissue just as food is for the body. Each colour has a definite wavelength with its own frequency and impression. Disease is a ray of wrong frequency that can be cured by another ray that can correct the diseased ray. This is how gems are used and the therapy makes use of the power within nine cosmic colours with their ultra- and infra- frequencies to restore the balance in the body. It is because gems are condensation of cosmic rays in their purest form that they are also used in Ayurvedic medicines and in Astrology as rings or talismans. They are very powerful storehouses of nature's energy and should be used very carefully and for humanitarian purposes only. The topmost layer of gem's aura is the healing colour when seen through a prism i.e. yellow sapphire is graded as a blue colour stone belonging to planet Jupiter and not yellow as seen by the naked eye.

Each stone of the same colour group oscillates at a specific frequency and these are given to people as per the requirement of the body. If during dowsing a 9kHs stone has come, a stone with the same frequency will be given. This is the reason for different stones to be given to people for wearing as against the practice in astrology of giving the same gem to everybody. It was observed that just the removal of a Negative Stone brought on a curative effect on the body, like a person who had cancer was asked to remove the negative diamond ring she was wearing, it brought an immediate reversal of the disease in her body, although to complete the cure medicines were also prescribed. It is saddening to see the myth of diamond being shattered, as the saying that diamonds are women's best friends, he says they are their worst enemy, as was proved. About 60% of the cancer cases in women were due to the negative diamond they had worn for a long time. Even keeping the negative gem in the house is harmful to the owner. Due to ignorance, people continue wearing gems without cleansing them. The positive gems also absorb negative energies of the body of the wearer in the process of cleansing the physical self. These negative energies can be harmful. Therefore every gemstone you wear should be cleansed weekly by soaking them in a bowl of water with a pinch of sea salt overnight.

One extremely important fact that Dr. Chauhan has discovered through his experiences is that not every gemstone is suitable for healing. For example, if you are meant to wear a diamond or some other gem, not every diamond will work. It seems that every gemstone can be either negatively or positively charged and, hence, instead of being beneficial, a gem with negative qualities can actually harm you. Through experience he now dowses every single gem he uses so that it carries only positive and not the negative vibrations. He can also dowse the jewellery you wear to find out if it is beneficial or harmful to you. What this means is that just buying and wearing a precious gemstone because your astrologer has recommended it is not enough. Astrologers prescribe gems to ward off the adverse and evil effects of the planets. But what if you end up wearing a gemstone that has negative vibrations? This is where dowsing helps, as it is able to identify the gemstones that are beneficial from those which are harmful. Gemstones also have other properties. Some gemstones are good for acquiring wealth, some for keeping good health and others for spiritual development. But nobody, today, has the skill and knowledge to select the appropriate gemstone. Every gem has a history of its own, a history that can even ruin or kill the wearer, like the famous Kohinoor or like the ring, which, according to Dr. Chauhan, cost Princes Diana her life. A diamond, which every woman dreams of possessing, can cause severe problems of the reproductive organs, even cancer, if the memory and vibrations of the diamond is negative.

He helps people to select the right gemstone in order to bring peace, prosperity, happiness, health and wealth through his magnificent dowsing and recommends these gems to be worn in the form of Ganesha with Riddhi and Siddhi (twin wives of the lord Ganesha). Because the moment the gemstone is given the shape of Ganesha (or any other divine deity), the energy of the gemstone becomes positive. So the use of the pendulum is unlimited and Dowsing can be used to improve the quality of life in many amazing ways.

While dowsing for Shri K.N. Rao, the famous astrologer, the pendulum showed arterial blockages in the kidney indicating some problem in the urinary system, and as that is the exact problem he was suffering from, he was very impressed by the accuracy of the diagnosis. "There is something super natural about his dowsing," said Shri Rao.

One interesting fact is that Dr. Chauhan never asks to be paid for the treatment he gives. Only donations are welcome if one desires. When questioned about this, he replies that in the old traditional practice of Ayurveda it is said that the doctor should not ask money from the patient, but it is the patient's duty to satisfy the doctor after he has been cured as per the karmic debts. Say, a patient has to spend a specific sum of money for his treatment and that due to Dr. Chauhan's treatment becomes unnecessary, then surely that amount should be paid to him. This aspect becomes clearer when we realize that in the process of treatment Dr. Chauhan has to suffer from many of the negative karmas of the patient which latch on to him. John Davidson in his book "Subtle Energy" has put this very succinctly when he says that "there are souls, often of good intention, love and humility, who perform what is known as spiritual healing………Their mechanism is to consciously or unconsciously take onto themselves some of the negative tendencies and entanglements or karmas of those they desire to heal. This is good for the one who is healed, but the healer always does it at his own cost. He has to take the negativity onto himself."

Consequently he only heals people karmically linked to him from the past life. He says even if you give his address to 100 persons, not even 2% will reach him if they are not linked to him from the past lives and why he should suffer other people's illnesses unnecessarily. While Dr. Chauhan has been able to help many people overcome not only the more common diseases but even karmic blocks, past-life traumas and 'ghosts' which have stopped them from getting married or being able to produce a child, it is ironical that. He himself has not been able to get married. When teased about this Dr. Chauhan, a strong believer in reincarnation says it is because of certain karmic bonds where he has to find his wife of two previous births and he has still not been able to find her. Let's wish him happy hunting!

While we all appreciate jewels as ornaments, their intrinsic healing qualities have been largely forgotten. But this is where Dr. Chauhan's perseverance and expertise comes in. He has rediscovered the science of gem therapy and combined it with the art of Dowsing to come up with a unique form of diagnosis and treatment. But before coming to his special methods we must understand a few things about ourselves and our universe and how both are inseparably interlinked.

Of the 9 Chakras, which affect the main organs as depicted in the Chart, the first 6 affect the corresponding organs, the 7th and 8th Chakras under the control of shadow planets Rahu / Ketu effect all the organs simultaneously, the last being the Crown which affects the whole body. The master Chakras - Ajna and Vissudhi, in turn control the lower 2 Chakras i.e.; Muladhar and Swadhisthan respectively. Each of these Chakras has 'boon giving' residing male and female God (Ying and Yang). The 9 forms of Durga on the left side are ShailPutri, Brahmacharani, Chandraghanta, Khushmanda, Skandamata, Katyayani, Kalratri, Mahagauri and Siddhidatri. On the right side there is Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Ishandeva, Sadashiva, Ardhanarishwar, Shiva, Shankar and Paramshiva.

Each Chakra has an inherent vibration, the sound of which is reflected in an alphabet (Akshar). These alphabets form Beejakshar, which is the basis of formation of Mantras that were given by Rishis to people as remedial measures. The Supernatural Power and vision possessed by Rishis enabled them to instantly see the location of the affected Chakra / Petal. The combinations of related alphabets (Beejakshar) of these Chakras / Petals were given as Mantras for recitation that immediately brought relief to the ailments. All these Beej-akshars correspond to 51 Shakti Peeths. These Peeths are the places where the parts of Lord Shiva's first wife - Sati fell on the Earth. Each created a Peeth and a corresponding sound as they fell.

Each of the almost sixty Akshars correspond to a particular petal of the nine Chakras and each also has a corresponding command centre on the front part of the head, which is a part of Sahasrar Chakra. It is only when the Akshar cannot be recited, i.e., when the patient is in a coma, then in order to revive the patient, a pressure point is applied at the specific command centre of the Beejakshar in the head region with a specific instrument made of crystal quartz oscillating at a frequency of 1 to 20 kHz.

Dr. Chauhan is, generally, accompanied by an aura reader, who can see the visual transformation-taking place in the energy field of the patient during the whole process. The aura of a distressed or ailing person becomes much shrunken, and after the treatment the aura becomes filled with radiant light. In the case of serious diseases like Cancer, Aids, Parkinson's disease, Epilepsy, Depression and other mental problems, the pendulum is run over the Yogic Chakras chart to find out the diseased petal of the imbalanced Chakra. The patient is asked to chant the Beejakshar belonging to that petal several times to correct the imbalance created in the body. It is a very helpful step in psychic or spiritual healing. What is amazing are the immediate results achieved by reciting the Beejakshar?

Now let us come to the art of Dowsing. Dowsing is also an ancient art and is a means by which the vibrations of various objects around us can be picked up. Not only do all human beings have their own energy fields and vibrations but every single object gives out vibrations that can be picked up and measured. People have used the art of Dowsing to detect underground water, oil, minerals, metals etc. from time immemorial and have used many different kinds of tools like sticks, metal rods and pendulums of various shapes and sizes. A pendulum can be made of glass, silver or any other metal, crystal, beads etc. A dowsing rod or pendulum can pick up vibrations of a specific object as surely as a seismograph picks up signals of earthquakes or an encephalogram picks up brain frequencies.

The pendulum works on the principle of magnetism. This magnetic field becomes an omniscient field, and when a query is put to the supra conscious which has all the answers of past, present and future, there are very subtle changes in the electrical frequencies causing the pendulum to move in a certain fashion without the operator's volition.He designed and constructed a box of electro-magnets arranged in a specific way to eliminate the dowser's dielectric energy that can cause erratic movement of the pendulum.

If you are a patient visiting Dr. Chauhan's clinic you will first be seated at a desk facing him and you will place one hand on the flat surface of the magnetic box. Then he will place a square card next to your hand on the box. While he has a number of cards for all sorts of contingencies, he will start with the card titled "Seat of Disease" so that he can diagnose what is wrong with you. This chart contains the names of almost a hundred items such as different diseases, organs of the body that can be afflicted, endocrine glands in the brain that are directly related to the nine planets of our solar system etc. The chart also lists items such as past-life trauma, karmic blocks, hereditary genetic and DNA imbalances and even an item labelled 'ghosts' or condensed negative energy on various levels!

Now he holds a crystal pendulum over the magnetic box and it is able to pick up your frequency (also known as radisthenia) from your hand, He then holds the pendulum over the card and asks it to point out the problem that the patient is suffering from. You watch fascinated as the pendulum swings of own volition and finally points to one particular item. He then asks the pendulum if there is any other problem with you and if there is, the pendulum picks it out. In this way the pendulum picks out all your ailments until the pendulum refuses to point out any more but just goes on rotating in a circle. Once your problem (or problems) has been discovered, Dr. Chauhan then places another chart on the box that lists all the nine cosmic colours and asks which one (or more) colour is needed to cure your disease. When the colour is known, the next step is take out a card which covers all the gems that fall under that specific colour and the pendulum is asked to point out the appropriate gem. After this is done the first phase is over, as we now know the problem and the gem that will cure it.

Now comes the treatment part. He has a vast collection of gemstones. He has made separate charts, each chart having the entries of gems belonging to a single colour. After the pendulum finds out the appropriate gems you are then asked to hold the gem in your left hand and then asked to sit back, relax and see if you feel anything. Very often you at once feel sensation in one or more Chakras or in the spine, head or some other part of the body. He then asks you to place your hand once more on the magnetic box, the pendulum is once more held over the first chart (Seat of Disease) and it is again requested to show your disease. If the pendulum merely rotates and does not point to any ailment, it means that the gem you have held on is the right one and the line of treatment is correct. Otherwise the whole procedure is repeated to find out whether there is need for any other colour.

He uses a crystal pendulum for dowsing. This technique is mainly used to diagnose the diseases or the negative energies in the radisthenia, and then find out their treatment by gems, aromatherapy, Bach flower medicines, acupressure, Beejakshar and many others forms of healing. . Although he works only for the medical problems, but when the planetary influences are balanced during treatment, it affects not only the body, but also the blockages of the destiny are removed.

Dr. Chauhan says that many diseases first appear in the aura or the etheric body of a person about three to six months before its physical manifestation. This phenomenon is found to be correct and is established through dowsing. I am privy to many of his astounding cures and healing he has done In one such case the person, the owner of a Pharma company apparently healthy, was told 2years earlier of his disease cropping in the body, of which he was also not aware, and there was no sign of Cancer at that stage. Then there were these 102 women, who were not able to conceive, came to him after reading about him in Delhi Times out of which 89 of them got pregnant in just six months time, which for me was astounding and unbelievable. And a secretary of CII was told six months earlier that he was suffering from bone cancer, but as the medical reports were normal the patient was satisfied. Within a year of this dowsing reading the bone cancer was diagnosed medically. The person was rushed to U.S.A. for surgery, but alas, it was too late! Dowsing can also be done in the absence of the patient. In such cases the photograph of the patient is placed on the magnetic box. In such cases he first uses the Condition Indicator card to know the condition of the patient. This card has various markings on it, such as: normal, bed-ridden, critical, coma, dying, hopeless, dead, and even ghost, crossing over, stuck back, rebirth, liberated and merged, showing all the possible stages of illness and the various stages of existence of the soul. A few times when a patient was lying in a hospital on life support system and when consulted by relatives, he found that the soul had already left the body i.e. the patient was dead. But not only that, he has also found patients who were not only dead, but also had often either crossed over or even been reborn!